Event and Seminars

Visit to CSIR CRRI - Central Road Research Institute

Organized by

DCE ISTE Student Chapter

29th April 2016


On 29th April 2016, Mr. Jagdish Prasad Shivhare (Sr. Assistant Professor, ECE Dept.) and Mrs. Poonam Yadav (Assistant Professor, ECS Dept.) along with 25 students from ECS, IT, CSIT, CSE, EEE, & ECE Departments of Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon visited the CSIR CRRI-Central Road Research Institute, Delhi. The purpose of this visit is to gain some knowledge about the latest research and development projects.

CSIR-Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) is a premier national research institute established in 1952, a constituent of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is engaged in carrying out research and development projects on design, construction and maintenance of roads and runways, traffic and transportation planning of mega and medium cities, management of roads in different terrains, improvement of marginal materials, utilization of industrial waste in road construction, landslide control, ground improvements environmental pollution, road traffic safety and analysis & design, wind, fatigue, corrosion studies, performance monitoring/evaluation, service life assessment and rehabilitation of highway & railway bridges.

Dr. T.K Amla (Senior Principal Scientist-Information, Liaison& Training, CRRI) welcomed the faculty and students. He shared valuable information regarding CRRI to the students. He also explained various ongoing and completed projects of the CRRI. He explained the students about the R&D programmes of CRRI focus on safe, speedy and efficient road transportation system with minimal total transportation cost per unit of total transportation infrastructure. A multifaceted approach has thus been adopted with an emphasis on system development, characterization and improvement of materials, pavement evaluation, maintenance monitoring, and upgradation of technology for ground improvement and slope stability enhancement and intelligent transport system.

The students visited all departments of the institute such as Bridge and Structure, Environmental science, Geotechnical Engineering, Pavement Engineering, Traffic Engineering and Transportation Engineering. The experts in the Mechanical Engineering Workshop demonstrated the students about the working of various electrical appliances including air conditioner, water cooler, refrigerator etc.

It was a good learning experience. In each & every department, students got new ideas and new thinking which was very necessary for development. The industrial visit helped students to translate theoretical knowledge into practical.

Some Glimpses of the Visit:

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